
RRRRrrooooaaarrrrRRRR .. I'm a tigre.
April 13, 2004 - 12:22 am

yada yada yada.

so I've been putting this off long enough. Now I'm not sure if it's our country (USA) or society or just in people's basic nature, but we'fe fixed on beauty and what it can get us.

I mean have you seen any reality tv show? Excluding a few such as Survivor and Starting Over, the contestants have been primarily 'beautiful'. Go back and look at old Real World episodes. Those kids looked more normal than the ones we see today on there. Yea they're fucked up psychologically but they don't look bad. Then of course there's The Bachelor and Bachelorette. The grooms- and brides-to-be never looked to shaby. Plus those hoping to score big were good looking.

And Average Joe? Well the actual 'average joes' lost out to the 'non-average joes'. And Average Joe: Adam Returns, the ladies are beautiful, I wouldn't mind picking between a few of them myself. And like average joe, when we do pick out somebody who isn't up to par with the beautiful people it is to mock them. Take the Littlest Groom for example. Taking a little person to pick a bride. It was comedy gold. Or My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiance? hehe, fat guys are hilarious.

And now they're (They being the networks) are starting with these makeover shows. "Hey lets take somebody who's butt ass ugly and show them that looks really do matter."

"Mommy, my dream is to be handsome/beautiful." "Well, son/daughter, you'll just have win a spot on a reality tv show. Good luck."

And yes, a person's idea of what is beautiful is very subjective. Mine may not be the same as yours. I may not be beautiful in your opinion, but I don't care.

Here's a preview of what's coming next time kids:

"You're going away? But.." "But I must, I want to."

"Daniel, you have five minutes left with the horse."

and other exciting adventures await.

yesterday - tomorrow