
Me aka Fred MacMurray aka The Absent Minded Professor
August 11, 2005 - 4:46 pm

I have noticed about myself that when I try be something or someone it is more because I don't want to be what I hate or dislike. That and sometimes there is a lot of bitterness towards those of the 'Haves' versus the 'Have nots'. Being in college doesn't help this either. When I hear some people complain about their problems I can't help but laugh as their parents fill their bank accounts, pay their rent, buy them cars, buy their friends. Eh, no use so my ranting is done.

On a much much better note, Katie is taking me on our surprise date. Well it'll be a surprise for me. It works out so well when your parents and hers want you to come visit because that means food and not just any food but really freakin good food.

If everything goes well and I graduate next may then it will be final; every year of my undergrad career can be chronicled by a different living arrangement. And to a smaller degree further detailed by the relationships I've had (or lack there of at times) while here.

Seeing as this is my final year (all things constant) I'll need to start looking at graduate schools and register for the GRE. Does anyone even know what that stands for? Probably Get Ready or Else (You Idiot)... they didn't want to put those last two words in there or they'd scare everyone away. Hmmm GREYI? Anyways, I have no idea what grad schools should even have. People are always asking me "Do you know where you want to go?" or my favorite "Do you know what you want to study?" And everytime I say I have no idea and I haven't taken any real chemistry yet (respectively). But I know what you're thinking and it's then how can this be his last year? Well that easy, ever want to fuck yourself so hard you'll have to wear diapers. Well, along with any research grants I am awarded, I will also receive a stipend for Depends. No, but seriously, 13 - 14 credit hours of upper level chem will surely be no fun. Two semesters in a row.

Oh, and I don't know how serious we are about it, but the idea of comic intrigues me and I now want to work on my artistic skills. I know, is there nothing I can't do, jeez. hehe, umm. We move in on Sunday. gotta run

yesterday - tomorrow