
the dreams are becoming more vivid
June 07, 2004 - 1:40 am

These past fews days have been going quite well. Some friends are back from a trip to Europe. Money is in the account again. I have a desk. And I'm going to the beach this week.

So Mary Alice and Kim got back the other day from traveling but I haven't been able to see Malice yet. On Thurs I got to go to the zoo for free. Oh man what a treat. Kim went for extra credit for a class so I tagged along. Many spectacles to behold and not just the animals. First it was the father son mullet team. Then a couple of tortoises were mating. Well atleast attempting to. You see, the male (go figure) decided to start alittle early it would seem as he was trying to do the female's face. Took her awhile but she finally got turned around. I personally thought she was going to be crushed. But I don't know what was more funny that or the guy laughing with only three teeth. And so was my trip to our local zoo.

I put a desk on law-away about a month ago because it was on sale and now I finally had the funds to finish the job. It's a nice desk. Kind of tall, but simple and plain.

And finally, I'm totatlly excited about going to the beach this week. Even if it's only going to be for two days. But I'll get to see Doug, Joyce and Josh and Ethan. Plus I hope to tell my father about my tattoo. Was talking it over with Brian and he thought it a good idea to just tell him. Where as my mom would be just fine if he didn't know. I can understand both but I'm more the type of guy to be upfront and honest, even if it is eight months after the fact. So if I don't update ever again it's because I'm dead.


yesterday - tomorrow